The Last Hour - Antichrist
The presence of false teachers in the Church demonstrates that the period known as the Last Days is underway.
In his first epistle, John declares it is the Last Hour. As evidence, he points to the presence of false teachers who are disrupting his congregations. The deceivers are the instruments of the “Spirit of Antichrist” that is active in the world. These same men are forerunners of the final “Antichrist” who is yet to come.
John’s warning is especially relevant today when many churches have been overrun with false prophets and a variety of deceptions. If the presence of deceivers in the first century indicated the activity of the “Spirit of Antichrist,” how much more so when deceptions, faux prophets, and self-anointed apostles become the rule rather than the exception.
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The idea that believers are in the “Last Days” occurs multiple times in the New Testament. It is the final stage of history that commenced with the Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement of Jesus, and the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
- (1 John 2:18-22) – “Little children! It is the last hour. And just as you heard that an antichrist is coming. Even now, many antichrists have come, whereby we perceive that it is the last hour… Who is the false one, save he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? The same is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.”
To substantiate his claim, John only needed to mention the false teachers peddling their lies in the churches of God. Jesus himself warned that “many deceivers” and “false prophets” would come and “deceive many,” including the “very elect.”
Thus, the activity of false teachers in the church is irrefutable evidence that the final period of this present age is underway. It will end with the return of the “Son of Man on the clouds of Heaven” when he gathers his “elect” but also judges and destroys his enemies, including the “Beast from the Sea” and the “False Prophet” - (Matthew 24:4-5, 25:31-46, Mark 13:5-6, Luke 21:8, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 3:1).
- “The Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that performed the signs in his sight with which he deceived those who received the Mark of the Beast… The two were cast alive into the Lake of Fire that burns with brimstone” - (Revelation 19:20).
John called these deceivers “antichrists,” and he used the plural number when doing so. They were not proponents of pagan religions from outside the congregation, but false teachers propagating false doctrines in the Assembly (“They went out from among us”). They were identifiable by their denial “that Jesus is the Christ.”
John confirmed that a final “Antichrist” would come, though he provided almost no information about this figure. By applying the terms “antichrists” and the “spirit of Antichrist” to the false teachers in his congregations, he associated them with this end-time figure. Like the final incarnation of the “Antichrist,” the false teachers who were disrupting the Church were also “false ones”; that is to say, liars.
False prophets and other deceivers working inside the Church today should take note, for unless they repent and confess their egregious sin, they will participate in the fate of the “Beast” and the “False Prophet.” They serve the same Master.
John’s second epistle is more personal. It does not discuss the return of Jesus, but the Apostle’s concern is with the dissension in the Church caused by false teachers, especially their denial of Christ’s genuine humanity. Again, their destructive efforts demonstrated that the “Last Days” had arrived - (2 John 7-8).
As before, John linked these deceivers to the coming “Antichrist.” His reference to “many deceivers” echoes the words of Jesus in his final Discourse on the Mount of Olives, especially his warning about coming deceivers:
- (Matthew 24:4-5, 11-13, 23-25) – “And answering, Jesus said to them: Beware lest anyone deceive you; for many will come upon my name, saying: I am the Christ, and will deceive many… And many false prophets will arise and deceive many… For there will arise false Christs and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders; to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”
Believers must “abide” in Jesus so “when he is manifested, we may have boldness and not be shamed away from him at his arrival.” This is a summons to holy living – “purifying oneself” - especially considering Christ’s impending arrival - (1 John 2:28–3:3).
By “abiding” in him, we prepare for the final day and immunize ourselves from the wiles of the Devil and his earthly agents, especially the many “antichrists” running rampant in the assemblies of God.
The world does not understand Jesus, and therefore, it does not understand those who belong to him. For now, his disciples look no different than other human beings, though their conduct may strike many men as nonconformist if not subversive.
Despite appearances, believers are the “children of God.” When Jesus is “manifested,” they will be transformed and appear “like him.” They will see him “just as he is.” Those with this hope “purify themselves” in preparation for that day - (1 John 3:1, Hebrews 9:28).
Regardless of how far along we are in this final period, “the Last Days,” the return of Jesus remains certain. The Apostle’s concern was with how believers live in the interim between their present and the future arrival of Jesus “on the clouds.”
The very fact that “many antichrists” are present means that sooner or later the ultimate Antichrist will appear. By “abiding in Jesus,” we prepare ourselves to resist that final figure’s deceptions and to remain holy before the Lord. However, before that day, we must remain vigilant and not succumb to the lies and deceits of the “many antichrists” working busily in the Church of God.
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- The Last Days - (The Last Days, the Age of Fulfillment, began with the Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement of the Son of God)
- The Great Cosmic War - (At the end of the age, Satan and his minions will launch an all-out cosmic war against the saints, the followers of the Lamb)
- La Dernière Heure - Antéchrist - (La présence de faux enseignants dans l'Église démontre que la période connue sous le nom des Derniers Jours est en cours)
- The Spirit of Antichrist - (The Antichrist Spirit works to destroy the church from within, especially through deception propagated by deceivers and false teachers – 1 John 2:18-22)
{Published originally on the Letters to the Church website}
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